Recommended Design Formats

Outline All Fonts

Recommended Font Size
If your design is being printed on a rigid box, folding box or shopping bag, the text should be at least 14pt.

Set Color Mode to CMYK
Convert your color images to CMYK color mode. (Grayscale for black and white Files.)
Safe Area and Print Bleeding
The Safe Area is highlighted with red line for print bleeding. Keep text and other important parts of your own design, image, or photo inside the Safe Area! During the production of your product, some of the content outside the safe area may be cut off. Everything inside the safe area will be preserved. Note that the red line will not be printed but for your reference only.
Bleeding: Please allow 1/8″ (approx 36 pixels based on a 300dpi image) for bleeding and a further 1/8″ for safe area margin inside each side.

Simple answer. Basically, please keep everything you want printed inside of the red lines for your custom printed boxes and packaging.

Image Resolution: Minimum 300 dpi
When using images be sure that your resolution is set to 300 dpi. For most full-color and/or paper products such as hand fans, business cards, brochures, etc., high-resolution raster files will print well. Preferred file formats are .tif and Photoshop .psd files.
High resolution is typically defined as 300 dots per inch at the printed size.Our Art Department can convert non-printable/low resolution files into a high quality print, so don’t be worried if you don’t have exactly what is needed. Consult your Account Representative if you have questions about a specific file format or product.
Please note that we are unable to open MS Publisher files and they are not suitable for printing. Save them as a high-resolution 300 dpi .pdf.

Please remember to outline all fonts and embed all images 🙂