Full Color vs. Pantone Colors

Full Color / CMYK / 4CP

The combination of these colors, used on their own or overlapped with one another, will produce a full color spectrum typically used when printing photographic types of images, or graphics with lots of color depth.Here are some of the products we have made.Through this series of  gift boxes,you can see the
true effect of color.

If it takes more than 3 colors to achieve a print reproduction, than 4-color printing will probably be most economical. CMYK printing is the best method to achieve realistic looking photographs on a printed piece.

Since the colors are a mix of dots over other dots, there is a good chance color will vary from printer to printer and job to job.

CMYK printing cannot reproduce every PMS color.

Pantone / PMS / Spot Colors

Pantone (PMS) colors are like paint chips in a hardware store. This type of printing consists of printing of one or more pre-mixed colors (usually 1, 2, or 3 colors at a time). Spot printing uses a color system for solid, premixed colors known as Pantone colors.

When using spot printing, the color is more accurate because you have determined the color based on a specific Pantone number. Since the inks are not mixed, the color does not change from one printing to the next. The industry standard is to print within a single shade of a specified Pantone color.

Some colors, such as metallic and fluorescent colors, can only be used as spot colors, and the same colors and effects cannot be achieved using the four-color process. In this link, you can learn that the color of the folding box is relatively single, the fluorescent color of the box only one color, no other color process.

Spot colors are usually more economical if the print stays at 3 or fewer colors.

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